Charged with a criminal offence?

Hit and Run Lawyer

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Accused of a Hit and Run in Quebec?

Hit-and-run accidents are serious criminal offences with significant consequences for drivers. Understanding the process and legal implications is crucial for accident victims and those facing a charge. Whether the case involves bodily harm, property damage, or negligence, consulting an accident lawyer ensures you have the support needed to navigate insurance claims and build a strong defense. 


Criminal Lawyer Specializing in Hit and Run Cases

What is a Hit and Run According to the Criminal Code?

A hit-and-run offence occurs when a driver involved in a motor vehicle accident leaves the accident scene without providing their information or offering care to accident victims. Under Canadian criminal law, this includes actions such as failing to share a license plate number, contact details, or waiting for police to file a police report. This offence applies to motor vehicle accidents involving another person, property, or pedestrians. Even minor road accidents can result in severe penalties if negligence or a lack of care is proven. Whether the hit-and-run driver caused bodily harm or fled the scene to avoid responsibility, the courts take this behaviour seriously.

Hiring an experienced lawyer is critical for navigating the complex legal process of a hit-and-run case. Here’s why: 

  • Evidence Review: An experienced legal team will meticulously examine police reports, witness statements, license plate records, and other evidence to challenge the case against you. 
  • Procedural Errors: Criminal defence lawyers can identify mistakes in how the case was handled, such as violations of your rights or inaccuracies in police reports. 
  • Negotiations: Your lawyer can work with the prosecution to reduce penalties or negotiate terms based on accident claims and insurance laws. 
  • Customized Defense: An experienced team will craft a strategy based on the specific facts of your case, whether it involves uninsured drivers, impaired drivers, or a negligent driver. 

A skilled accident lawyer significantly improves your chances of achieving a favorable outcome in the courts. 

Consequences of Being Convicted of a Hit and Run

The penalties for hit-and-run accidents vary based on the severity of the offence. Factors such as bodily harm, medical treatment required by the victim, or negligence by the fault driver can influence the outcome.

A hit-and-run conviction results in a permanent criminal record, which can complicate your dealings with an insurance provider. Fault drivers may face higher premiums or cancellations of their insurance policy under tort claims or accident benefits coverage.

The SAAQ can suspend or revoke a driver’s license if negligence, dangerous driving, or non-compliance with insurance laws is proven.

Penalties for hit-and-run offences include fines, jail time, or both, depending on the circumstances. A hit-and-run resulting in bodily harm or life-threatening injuries can lead to significant jail time or a lifetime driving ban.

Hit-and-run cases complicate insurance claims. Insurance companies may increase premiums or deny coverage for uninsured drivers or negligent actions. Accident attorneys can help you navigate these claims, ensuring you receive fair treatment.

A criminal defence lawyer plays a vital role in mitigating these consequences.

By analyzing evidence, such as medical bills, accident benefits, and police reports, an experienced team can reduce penalties, minimize jail time, and protect your license.

Hit and Run Lawyer – Contact Us for Tailored Defense

Every hit-and-run case is unique. Whether the charge involves minor road accidents or severe cases of bodily harm, our experienced legal team is dedicated to providing personalized representation. We handle accident claims, insurance disputes, and criminal defence to ensure your rights are protected.

Need a Criminal Lawyer?

If you’re facing a hit-and-run charge in Quebec, don’t delay. The consequences of this offence can be life-altering. Speak with a personal injury lawyer or accident attorney from our firm to build a strong defense. From handling insurance providers to court proceedings, our team ensures you’re supported every step of the way.